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Лучшие авторы в этой теме

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Я почему спросил: скачал на всякий случай каталог от них на 2013 год, а там моделей, прямо скажем, маловато... И фиксов нет почти. Рассчитывают на фанатов?.. :)


Случайно наткнулся на статью про Microtech на e-bay(!)

MICROTECH KNIFE - ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO USE IT? (может и была уже ссылка на неё на сайте, но не нашел)

Before you buy any knife, consider what you might do with it.
This sounds like a stupid comment to make in a guide about Microtech, but when you consider that a majority, no, more than 90 percent, of Microtech buyers, are not users at all, but collectors who, to preserve the value of the knives, don't use them.
One reason people don't actually use a Microtech is because it is expensive. And I know this story well because I worked for the company and did enough surveys, followed the user group, manned the booth at knife and sporting goods shows and talked with hundreds of Microtech customers.
Would you want to carry a $400 or $500 knife on your next hunting or camping trip? Wouldn't a cheaper blade do the same job? Well, the serious pros do carry and use them, but most MT buyers are not facing life or death situations and won't actually carry. People like US Sky Marshalls, DOD and DOS security types, FBI, US Secret Service, Delta Operators, Special Ops team members, etc. buy and use them and lose them. Many of the early MT sales were to active military working in harm's way and they valued the extra security of a reliable OTF auto.
Like Randall fixed blades, Microtech folders and OTF knives are so well made, so perfectly finished, it is hard to take one into the field or anywhere you might lose it, and actually use it.
But, let's say that like many professionals who want and need a reliable, perfectly made knife for work, you elect to spring for an MT. Your choices today are somewhat limited because the company has turned to making assault rifles during the past two years and the knife production has been small or almost nil. You can, however, still find MT knives at dealers, knife and gun shows and on the internet and prices run from around $100 for a credit card sized, last ditch defense blade to a custom Marfione original in the thousands of dollars range.
MT OTF, (out the front), knives are very popular with collectors. They can legally be carried in about 24 states and many municipalities, but caution is advised before wandering into a bar with one or having one in your car without knowing the local laws. In some places, carrying anything longer than a tooth pick can get you , so it's not just MT knives that need to be considered.
MT OTFs currently available from many sources include the Makora, Halo, SCARAB, Ultratech, Troodon and others in single and double edged models. Expect to pay at least $200 or more for most OTFs in new or excellent used condition.
Assuming you have the need and the legal right to have or carry one, what should you pick? Current folders, like the tough Amphibian or SOCOM Elite are always a good bet. Carefully made on CAE/CAD machines and bench assembled and finished, MT folders are excellent in every respect and usually exceed in fit and finish their competitors.
Dual action (DA) folders, like the Lightfoot and Terzoula are costly, (a new Lightfoot will cost you about $450 and up. A Terzoula, if you can find one, will run over a $1000), but beautifully finished and functional. And if you don't know what DA means, Don't Ask. (Many buyers assume that a D/A is a "double action" knife. In fact it means Dual Action, meaning it can be opened manually or automatically. MA means Manual Action only. The MT logo and laser etching on the blade will say one or the other. Double Action, at least as far as the creators of MT knives are concerned, meant that the firing button controlled the fring and retraction of the blade. Thus, a Halo or Nemeis is not double action, because you must "reload" the blade by pulling the cocking lever and locking the blade back in the handle. The firing button only works when the blade is fully retracted).
The MT small auto folders are also very popular and their price is usually in the $200 range. Small pocket models, like the LUDT and Mini LUDT, are priced in the $125-225 range. The larger folders like the UMS), also available in a Mini version), SOCOM and the formidable looking Hawk are excellent field knives and will give years of good service.
A few years ago, the company moved from Vero Beach, FL to Bradford, PA. It has been rumored for the last year that it will again move and a new site has not been made public. Each time the company moves, the prices of knives increase and the value of older ones does too.
What continues to make MT knives special is the creative thought that goes into the designs. MT is not making any products or parts out of the country. These are not Japanese, Chinese or Taiwanese knives. In fact, many MT buyers are from those countries because nothing they make compares favorably. Clones and copies abound. It is pretty easy to tell a fake just by the look, weight and finish.
Designer, owner Tony Marfione works up new versions of his older, reliable designs and produces a prototype himself on his own machines. He typically makes all of the parts from USA made steel and materials. Only when the prototypes are tested and proven do they start working up drawings and specs. This sort of reverse engineering has made the MT line outstanding in the crowded field of special purpose knives.
  • 1 месяц спустя...

Лака никакого нет. Лежа не полке думаю не окислится :). Материал рукояти новый для меня, поэтому даже не знаю как он себя со временем поведет.


Да это что-то вроде полукастома, экспериментальный единичный экземпляр, видимо просто собранный и подогнанный вручную. Готовится лимитированная партия http://www.bladehq.com/item--Microtech-Socom-Delta-Brass-Tanto--19687. Кстати, сайт этот взял мое фото, других фото этого ножа просто нет :).




Готовится лимитированная партия

Цену бы узнать на ножи из этой серии.



Кстати, сайт этот взял мое фото, других фото этого ножа просто нет

Теперь они будут знать где искать фото моделей еще готовящихся к выпуску :). А то уних часто только описание ножа без фотографии.

  • 3 месяца спустя...

Микротек достаточно подержать в руке, клацнуть этой "зениткой" пару раз и ты на крючке blink.png 



Вот тот что сверху. Не знаю как зовут. Пружина нормальная? Игрался с таким. Тугая га выброс, и на "вброс", а потом сказали что пару раз уже лопалась.

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  • 2 месяца спустя...

Мне фронталки автоматы Microtech не понравились. Подержал в магазине парочку за 19 тысяч , пощелкал и купил бокер плюс фронталку автомат за 2.8 тр. (110С ) ....и через три недели продал за 1.8 тр. И какую бы там сталь не ставили:  нафик - нафик. Таких денег эти ножи не стоят. Есть вроде ножи с клинками больше 12см. Такие не держал . Может они еще туда сюда.... ;)

  • 1 месяц спустя...

Скажите товарищи, а нет ли у кого-нибудь Microtech Venomtech D/E OTF Automatic Knife (5.5" Black) VT-1 ???
Вот такого:

Очень нравится, а инфы в сети ноль!
Хотелось бы узнать про поюз, люфты и т.д.


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