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Это называется "То густо, то пусто"...

Два года назад тактических томагавков было в линейках производителей в два раза меньше )))


ЗЫ Онтарио "доставил" ))

Может прикуплю.


Это называется "То густо, то пусто"...

Два года назад тактических томагавков было в линейках производителей в два раза меньше )))

Предлагаю "закон Геры" (по аналогии с законом Мура) - каждые два года количество томагавков у производителей удваивается. :rolleyes:


А что у него в конце рукояти? Зачем это?


Featuring Black micarta handle, they’ve also incorporated a can opener-style cutter in the butt of the Axe. It’s a utilitarian tool that is well suited to breaching, rescue, as well as camp chore applications.

  • 4 недели спустя...

Точно куплю. Но сперва тот, что рядом на странице каталога ))


На мой взгляд у Vox есть более симпатичный и традиционный топорик, с явными чертами томагавка.


Но он пока в серию не пошел, а мастер может и не снизойти.

Так что версия от Boker самый доступный вариант.


Вот еще ссылка http://www.equinoxcoronado.com/

это те ребята на чьей совести дизайн Eco Hawk.


Макс Попенкер дал наводку на забавную статью.

На всякий случай приведу полностью.


Top 10 Tactical Tomahawks


The tactical tomahawk has become increasingly popular recently in both the law enforcement and active duty military community. The effectiveness of the tomahawk as both a tool and weapon make it an invaluable piece of equipment that is equally adept at obstacle removal, dynamic entry, opening of crates, digging in fighting positions, IED removal and as a personal defense weapon in close quarter combat scenarios.

Historically axes of all shapes, sizes, and materials were used by early man to clear trees, build shelters, and of course protect themselves when necessary. There effectiveness in eliminating enemies in a devastating fashion led to a multitude of ax designs which have been a popular choice of warriors for centuries. The axe’s use in warfare goes back to the days of Vikings who wielded them with bone crushing effect. Early sailors were issued boarding axes to clear away tangled rigging and hack through obstacles and other sailors when boarding rival war ships. Then there are perhaps the tomahawk’s most recognizable users, the native American Indians from which we get the term “tomahawk” and who shortened the handle length to be utilized with extreme skill in hand to hand fighting.

One of the major advantages of the tomahawk versus the larger ax forms is that it is light enough to be carried for extended periods of time without undue fatigue and during fighting its light weight translates to extreme speed. This speed means the ability to generated a massive amount of force in a short distance, and when applied using the hatchet edge or spike the modern tactical tomahawk does all the damage you are going to need.

The origin of the axe may be as old as any weapon but these modern tactical tomahawks are anything but antiquated.


Here’s a list of the Top 10 Tactical Tomahawks:

1. GG&G Battle Hawk:


The GG&G BATTLE HAWK Tactical Tomahawk is an extreme use combat tool. In fact the original plant manufacturing designation code was CUT (COMBAT UTILITY TOOL). As can be seen by the overall geometry and aggressive multiple cutting edge head design, it is meant for aggressive use, very aggressive use. In addition to the head, the three inch Tanto shaped spike will definitely get the job done. The double contour of the handle and the fine weave G10KG Micarta scales, provide a positive and solid long and short grip for the user and the Crucible S7 tool steel for the BATTLE HAWK tactical axe is shock resistant, high impact resistant, and withstands chipping and breaking.


2. RMJ Tactical S13 Shrike:


The Shrike by RMJ Tactical is one of the most popular tactical tomahawks used by active duty war fighters because of its  robust construction, no frills features, and full tang design. The full tang design means the head and shaft are made from a single piece of material and therefore there is no chance of head separation even under heavy striking force.


3. Hardcore Hardware Battle Tomahawk:


actical Tomahawk by Hardcore Hardware is designed for a multitude of applications. The spike at the business end of things has a modified tanto point specifically designed for maximum penetration, while its pommel has a chisel point designed for prying. It is constructed from D2 Tool Steel, has a robust black teflon coating and shock absorbing para-cord wrap, which has been coated with a proprietary acrylic solution to ensure that is does not move even under the most rigorous use, but doesn’t impede the practical use of the cord if removed for use in a survival situation.


4. United Cutlery M48 Hawk Axe Tactical Tomahawk:


This M48 Tactical Tomahawk is quite the tactical tool. It is lightweight enought to be carried all day without added muscle fatigue and the blade of the M48 Tomahawk offers a wide, upswept axe blade for mammoth chopping, slashing and cutting potential. The axe head is constructed of precision cast 2Cr13 stainless steel. When combined with the backside of the head, the spike and axe head make for an efficient personal defense and breaching tool as well as a great camping tool with an extremely fast chopping edge. The blade is securely attached to the sturdy nylon reinforced handle with 30% fiberglass and with three separate bolts. It comes complete with a nylon snap button sheath. 8″ bl, 15″ overall.


5. Smith & Wesson Extraction & Evasion Tomahawk:


The S&W Extraction & Evasion Tomahawk is an all business tactical tool made by the legendary firearms manufacturer Smith & Wesson, so you can be sure its of good quality and more than capable of getting the job done. The full tang construction offers superior strength while chopping with the primary edge or bashing away with the sharpened v-shaped spike on the back side, while the handle is finished with a durable Kraton overlay for a positive gripping surface.


6. American Tomahawk Sibert Comanche:


The Sibert Comanche by American Tomahawk is the company’s premiere “integral construction” Tomahawk. It blends an aggressive shape with the functionality and tactical features to create a strong, well-balanced, and mean tactical tomahawk that is ready to raid your next drug lab or terrorist cell now.


7. K5 Tactical Tactical Hawk-Hammer Poll:


The Tactical Hawk by K5 Tactical is made from 3/8″ thick high carbon steel. The edges are hardened, and tempered, bnt the handle is left unhardened for its shock absorbing ability. The Hawk is powder-coated tan over its entire 16.5″ length. The head is 5″ long with a 3.5″ Edge face. The beard also has 3 inches of sharpened edge for hooking moves. The Handle scales are 6061 T6 Aluminum that has been MIL Spec Type III Hard Anodized with a greenish tint.


8. Benchmade Tactical Tomahawk Axe w/ Pry Bar & Spike:


Designed by Eddie Killian specifically as a  breaching tool, the Benchmade Tactical Tomahawk Axe with Pry Bar & Spike has 1095 blade material and a contoured G10 handle, making this tomahawk a very dynamic tool.  Superior features include a full-tang handle with G10 scale, wedged end for prying, and an apple seed mill bevel for increased edge life.


9. Condor Tactical Rescue Tomahawk:


The TRT (Tactical Rescue Tomahawk) by Condor has a whole-steel construction that makes this tool nearly indestructible–which is good, given its intended purpose! The serrated back spike pierces sheet metal with ease, and works well as a hook for clearing debris or wreckage, while the blade is sharpened on the underside of the beard, allowing you to sink the head into your target and lever it out like a giant can opener! A paracord wrap and lanyard provides a safe and secure grip.


10. Omnivore Blade Recon Scout Tomahawk:


The Recon Scout Tomahawk by Omnivore Blade is intended to be the ultimate cutting tool for those who want a tomahawk that can do it all.  With this axe, nearly every survival oriented chore can be accommodated with both force and precision.  The Recon Scout is the companies lightest full size tomahawk intended for backpackers, survivalists and elite soldiers. The head is machined under the beard and the spike for both weight savings and optional cutting edges. Two 20 foot pieces of paracord serve as a functional grip, and may be easily removed for use in a survival situation.




"Сделайте мне развидеть это" (с)

Combat Ready Knives - E.D.A. Every Day Axe Folder



Мечта Раскольникова прямо.

Как там было...

"Одна старушка – рубль, а десять старушек – уже червонец…"


Томагавк от Benchmade, это как то странно. Да и в списке он ни к чему, дизайн то все равно почти не изменен. Может другого "кандидата" не нашли, а может пиар.


Нашел тут фото томагавка roger's rangers от ATC, просто мечта.


  • 2 недели спустя...

Так похож на колдстиловскую штамповку, что даже как-то отторжение уже вызывает.

Прикольно- на сайте фотография- "Один из наших томагавков в процессе ковки", разогретый докрасна, но уже отнапиленный готовый продукт ))



Форма очень популярна, дескать идеальная почти, говорят.

А то что

Прикольно- на сайте фотография- "Один из наших томагавков в процессе ковки", разогретый докрасна, но уже отнапиленный готовый продукт ))

так это маркетинг, не всем же выезжать на крутых дизайнах.


Вот более тактический образец.



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