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The Pummel Pipe Melee Weapon


PUMMEL PIPE: The benefits of having a well-made melee weapon on hand can’t be argued against. Great for semi-close combat, powerfully crushing blows, and even a bit of stealth; the Pummel Pipe is a great tool to have at your disposal.

While we chose to make ours with 3/4″ diameter by 24″ long steel pipe, you should use what fits your hand the best. But keep in mind that the bigger the gauge and longer the length of the pipe, the heavier it will be. In addition to customizing the gauge and length, you can alternate and exchange the head of this melee weapon as you see fit… as long as you don’t use an adhesive to permanently affix it to the main body.

We chose the parts we did because they are common, easy to access, low cost, and can likely be found in scrap-yards, homes, and hardware stores alike. After testing out this homemade Zombie-basher on a series of objects and materials, we discovered that it isn’t just great for dispatching Zombies. The Pummel Pipe works really well for shifting debris, taking down a wall, breaking windows, gaining entry to a building, or even as a good old fashioned hammer.

Tools: Pipe wrench, steel wool, adhesive (optional, but recommended), and a sharp knife.

Materials: 3/4″ diameter 24″ long steel pipe, two 3/4″ threaded connections, two 3/4″ end caps, one 3/4″ to 1/4″ adapter, one 1/4 squared plug, 3/4″ T adapter, and 550 paracord.




Step 1. Clean the length of pipe with steel wool. This helps remove grime and rust that may corrode the metal or eat away at the paracord wrapping that comes later.

Step 2. Piece together the head of your Pummel Pipe, making sure to tighten down each piece as much as possible without stripping the threads. We recommend that you secure each piece with an application of sealant/glue (like loctite) as you go; this will increase the longevity and lower the risk of future maintenance for the Pummel Pipe. If you choose to use adhesive, please wait until it has fully set before moving on to the next step.

Step 3. Secure the now completed head to the main body of the pipe, tightening it down as much as you can without stripping the threads. We recommend that you DO NOT use adhesive here. Leaving this attachment removable allows experimentation with different configurations for the weapon, and it allows for easy replacement of the main body, should the need ever arise. Place the end cap on the open end of the pipe and you’re ready to wrap the handle with paracord.

Step 4. Adding a paracord wrap to your Pummel Pipe will increase the grip and help deaden the shock to your hands and arms when you get a good solid hit.

Run a length of cord from the end to the head of the pipe, leaving about 2 inches at the tip of the handle. Carefully wrap the remaining cord down the length of the pipe, covering the length of cord you previously laid out. Do this until the main body is fully covered. Cut away the remaining paracord, leaving about 2 inches to secure it with. Tie the two loose ends together, and seal them with a lighter, hot stove burner, or other high temperature heat source.

Step 5. You now have a Homemade Pummel Pipe for all the bashing, smashing, and crashing you can handle. Due to its moderate weight, we recommend using the Pummel Pipe primarily as a two handed weapon, and practicing good body mechanics to get a nice powerful swing out of it.


Mods: Customizing and making modifications to your personal Pummel Pipe is an important part of the build. Make sure that you’re using a length of pipe that matches your abilities and body-size, a color of paracord that fits your needs and of course any modifications to the head of the hammer that you would like.

Make it a Dead-Weight – While the paracord wrap will help deaden the sometimes hand-tingling force of a heavy strike to a hard surface, adding sand or an alternate fine-grain material into the main body of your Pummel Pipe will ease the shock immensely as well as increase the load behind each swing.

All of these steps can be done without the use of power-tools, making this DIY or Die Trying project easy to do, even after a horde of zombies knocks out the local power station. So, with readily available parts, super easy build, and devastating force, the Pummel Pipe truly is one hell of an anti-zombie melee weapon. After running it through the ringer, you’ll see that, when made correctly, it can last you through a lifetime of use… even if you spend half the time warding off zombie attacks and other survivors. The Pummel Pipe has been a great too for us here at Zombease HQ, easily falling and tearing through materials as we continue to put it to the test and discover it’s limits.

See Also: The Pummel Pipe Hand HammerThe one-handed operation of the Pummel Pipe Hand Hammer allows for quick and easy action on a larger number of targets within a shorter amount of time. While the Pummel Pipe Hand Hammer lacks in over-all crushing power compared to its big brother, it makes up for it small stature with speed and a lighter carry weight.

You can find other great projects and guides by checking out our DIY or Die Trying posts.




Если в середину этой штуки еще серы со спичек натолкать, тогда точно зомби кирдык будет... ;)

А заодно и тот,кто работает таким зомбирубом плавно переходит в стан зомбияков :ph34r:  :(


А заодно и тот,кто работает таким зомбирубом плавно переходит в стан зомбияков :ph34r:  :(

Есть мнение,что сантехники,охотящиеся на зомби,опасны для общества гораздо больше,чем сами  зомби...Так что все справедливо.  ;)




Если в середину этой штуки еще серы со спичек натолкать,


Серу от спичек - натолкать в кормовой отсек изобретателя, запалить - а огнетушитель - повесить в 50 (пятидесяти) метрах сбоку.

Ещё в 50 метрах, с другого боку - тазик со льдом.

Свобода выбора - это очень важно.




Надо клевец подлиннее


При правильной организации процесса - рукоятки будет достаточно.


"Правильно зафиксированный пациент - в анастезии не нуждается." (С)


Надо клевец подлиннее, чтобы до мозжечка доставал ))


Да вообще агрегат не функциональный, ручку длиннее надо раза в два, дабы близко не подпускать зомбаков.

И тройник не мешало бы свинцом залить.


Хотя если посмотреть на сурьезное лицо автора на нижней фотке, то все становится понятно. Он ждет!

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