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Новинки 2014

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Quartermaster продолжает принимать вещества...




А мне понравилось! Не вещества принимать :lol: а безделки от QTRMSTR . Опять же идейку интересную подсмотрел...


Combative Edge M1 Auto


The M1 was Combative Edge’s very first production knife offering and continues to be a very popular model for them. The original M1 opened with the press of a flipper or with a thumb stud but Combative Edge’s newest M1 will open with the push of a button.

Combative Edge has announced that a first run of 100 M1 Autos will be produced. The M1 Auto will retain all of the recognizable elements of the original M1 with its long and lean shape, clip point recurve blade, jimping in the same locations, and deep index finger groove. It will feature a push button opener with sliding safety nested into the all titanium scales. The M1 Auto will also have a contrasting, scalloped backspacer that looks very, very nice.

The M1 Auto is not available yet and Combative Edge will not be offering direct sales on them due to the various laws surrounding automatic knives.








New Gerber Ghoststrike fixed blade for $65 with neoprene ankle holster. It includes belt loop mounts with this option or is available without the ankle holster for $45.







New from Gerber lightweight and durable American made EDC options with rubberized grips, all made with American steel. S30V Steel $85, 154CM Steel $65 and 420HC Steel $45 available at traditional Gerber retailers.


вроде как показанных выше макспедовских фиксов не будет:

Tang told me he has dropped the entire project, an endeavor that cost him more than $100,000.

“I am actually close family friends with [McClung], so I don’t want to burn that bridge,” Tang said.

The real loser in all of this is most likely the consumer. I am certainly not going to say Tang’s knives were the exact same quality as Mad Dog Knives – most of which range between $700 and $1,300 each.  But they sure looked like damn nice knives that were going to cost $100 to $120 each.




Кто там крысу с фреймом хотел? Да еще 4 дюйма???? Что-то сдохло?

Вот такое ощущение, что создатели ножа читали клубную тему на Ганзе: убраны почти все моменты, вызывавшие претензии к Крысе - стала мельче насечка на обухе, меньше тупье, больше клинок, "пойнт" немножко "дропнулся" (было в клубной теме, новый клинок примерно соответствует переточенному после слома острия клинку Крысы), ослабленный лайнер заменен на фрейм.


Ай спасибо, камрад ! Вот она новая Куду, точнее Эланд. Ну теперь ждать, когда в продаже появится.


Не совсем новинки, но радует, что избавляются от мерзкого пескоструя:





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