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HALE Indian-style 'Bear' Bowie w/turquoise, Fossil-Walrus, etc. Handle
A neat 'Indian bowie', signed 'Hale', with great handle materials and use of them, and interesting guard file-work, etc.
Made in 1992, per an attached past auction tag.
A frontier/Indian style bowie, with a showcase handle including a nice, large slab of richly-figured turquoise, prehistoric/fossilized walrus sections, natural coral, a bit of malachite, and etc. Some really nice colorations, textures and characters in the selected pieces.... As neat as the handle looks, it does provide a good and secure grip. **The turquoise slag is blue, not greenish as the photos imply.
The brass/bronze guard is textured on the flats, and with nice edge file-work that complements the piece suitably. A 'nugget' treatment bridges the guard to the blade.... The blade in not perfectly formed/finished, but is of a somewhat rustic character in keeping with the theme.
Might be 5160 steel, but not sure. The stock tapers right from the butt end.
Blade length is 7.5" from the guard.
piece for $145. with the sheath, $120, without