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Достижения Verkstad



  1. Verkstad

    E. Jonsson Mora

  2. Жилет, как это должно быть ...
  3. Myself, cirka 2003. The knife hanging lower is my everyday knife, manufactured cirka 1999. My "High School" knife is hanging higher. It was the first reasonable knife I made while in the workshops at school.(1977) With that knife, plastic takes the place of reindeer horn as I had no horn supply then. Yes, The School staff did not like students making knives then. I expect they dont like knives made at school today also!
  4. Verkstad

    First picture

    The beginnings of another knife.. Never mind the jackass pink hat and beadnecklace, This is at an outdoor festival after all.
  5. Verkstad

    First picture

    Thanks for the kind comment, The boots are manufactured. Keros is the company, But there are other manufacturers. Keros.se has a webstore, But I never bought from there. BTW, Also sells knives from Karesando what would be of interest to the members here. The hunting bag is modified from a ladies purse !!
  6. Verkstad

    First picture

    Sadly I have no photos of the nearly 30 other knives made by me over the years... I carry this one nearly everyday and embarrassed its not in bright condition for this photos. I hope so far its enjoyed by all.
  7. This is best photo I can accomplish of my knives for this moment. The knife style is Saami 1/2 horn. The picture is me of about 5 years past, the knife is about 10 years now, its blade is K.J. Ericsson laminated steel Mora, from about 1960. I managed to find a small stockpile in storage since new manufactured. Just as often using a factoryblade, I forge blades as I am a hobbysmith. I make Saami knives and accessories as a hobby, sometimes to sell but most often given at birthdays, weddings and such. Eventually as I develop mouse clicking skill you may be seeing other my knife and bushcraft creations. mvh, Håkan
  8. Thanks for all the wonderful photos of Scandinavian knives. I am from northern Sweden, With Google translate help, Maybe I can participate further with this website. My hobbies include making Saami knives and clothing. Now living in USA, Never seen such a collection of grand old photos.
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