Nick_yar Опубликовано: 14 августа 2012 Опубликовано: 14 августа 2012 Доброго времени суток! Продам в Ярославле, пересыл возможен, оставляю за собой право отказать в продаже без объяснения причин. Приоритет без пересыла. Buck 111 Classic Нож новый, ориентировочно 1980 года. Кожаные ножны, коробка, документы. продан
Lukin Опубликовано: 15 августа 2012 Опубликовано: 15 августа 2012 Судя по информации с bf - buck 80-о года. Датировка по годам на Buck: There is some additional coding for knives made between 1974 - 1986: 1974 - 1980: one dot on either side of the model # (example: .110.) 1980: two dots on the right side of the model # (example: .110..) 1981 - 1986: two dots on either side of the model # (example: ..110..) 2005 - If it looks like Idaho, then it was made in Idaho. 2005 - If it doesn't look like Idaho, it was made overseas. The dot information at the top of the chart applies to 110/111/112 family of knives only. И дополню: early Buck knives made up to 1968 were marked on the reverse side only with the name (Buck) 1968-1972 knives were marked (Buck, USA) two lines. 1973-1981 knives were marked (Buck, the knifes model #,USA) three lines. 1982 to present marks were added to the knife to indicate the specific year of manufacture as per this thread.
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